30961 W. Wildcat Rd.
  Paradise 49768
  Property Features
Property Type:  
List Price:   42,500
Bedrooms:   3
Bathrooms:   2
Building Size:   1280
Lot Size:   0.69 m/l
Property Status:   Sold

SOLD!! This mobile home on a 0.69 acre lot was built in 1993 and is in very good condition. New roof, water pump and furnace in 2008. The lot is adjacent to the historic Centennial Cranberry Farm and you can hear the surf of rugged Lake Superior crashing on the shoreline a few hundred feet away. This property is at the end of the portion of county-maintained Wildcat Rd that is plowed year-round. Perfect snowmobile camp & summer UP getaway.  $52,900>>$49,900 >>$45,900 >> $42,500

Directions: From the blinker is Paradise, drive ~9.7 miles north on Whitefish Point Rd. Turn left on Wildcat Rd and drive ~2 miles to Superior Shores Realty sign on left. Shown by appointment.

MLS 15-625

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